Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Weak Moments

We all have weak moments. Some of us have more of them than others because life is hard sometimes. Especially when it comes to food. And especially late at night. When 9:00 hits and we all turn into gremlins and want to eat everything in our pantry! That is one of the hardest moments to escape and we all have them. The key is to understand that it is okay to have them. Nobody is perfect! It is what you do the next day that is important. Having a weak moment one night does not have to put you into a tailspin and completely lose focus on your goal. Wake up the next day and focus on starting over and being strong that day. Too many times I have heard from people that have these weak moments and feel like they are failing and that they will never reach their goals. And that is not true. That is the best thing about my approach to weight loss. It is based on food that you already love so just because you go off the rails one night doesn’t mean that your whole plan is dead. Check out the website if you haven’t already and see how it can help you!