Physical Address

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

The Devils Drink

I love Coke. I mean I really love pop (or soda if you wish), but Coke is my favorite. When I was young I went to bed with a can of Coke. I had issues…haha. I swear it has crack in it. Of course now I’m older and that hasn’t changed. However, I decided a few years back to make a change. I started mixing in Diet Coke and then Coke Zero. Not that they are better for you but they don’t have the calories. There were times I was drinking 6 cans of Coke a day. That is 900 calories every day! That is insane! But just because you decide to make a change doesn’t mean that you can never have it again. I started cutting back slowly and now I get the small cans and try to limit myself to 2 cans per day. Usually for dinner. And I only have Coke Classic when I eat out with my daughters or just occasionally. It makes that Coke taste even more amazing than ever! If you drink as much pop as I used to I know that it is hard to think about cutting back. You don’t have to do it all at once. Just start with one less can a day and before you know it you can cut back to 2 small cans a day. If you are trying to lose weight just cutting those calories alone will be a great start!