Welcome to the Great Myth of Dieting. My name is Brent and I am not a fitness guru. I do not have pictures all over the site with my shirt off showing off my six pack abs. I am just an average guy from the mid-west enjoying watching my daughters grow up and trying not to take life to serious. I know that life is short and you need to find a way to enjoy every day. But I also know how hard it is lose weight. Whether it is just a few pounds or a significant amount of weight the struggle is real. I won’t go as far to say I’m old, but let’s just say that I have a lot of life experience. And with that life experience, I have tried every way possible to lose weight over the years. I am lucky that I don’t struggle with it as much as some of you do and I won’t pretend to know what that is like. But what I do know is that there is now entire isles in stores with weight loss pills and do you know what they all have in common? None of them work! They prey on us that want to lose weight quickly and tell us to take this pill and your weight will disappear! I wish it was that easy but unfortunately nothing in life is that easy. It takes work to make changes so you can lose weight. But guess what? There is a simple way to do it. I didn’t say easy….I said simple. A way that allows you to still eat all of the foods that you enjoy without pills. I don’t have a PhD in nutrition but you don’t have to to help people. But what I do have is a PhD in life experience. I really enjoy helping people achieve their goals so what are you waiting for? Start today!